Shopping Information

shipping charges are extra that depends on weight and quantity of product and comes automatically when you purchase a product.

If Product is in stock, we dispatch the product with in Minimum 1 days to Maximum 7 Days of your order otherwise we will inform you by mail about availability of the product with in 1-2 days.

In case if we are unable to deliver the product through courier then we deliver it through India Post.

Once order & Payments are confirmed, no cancellation will be entertained.

After Order & Payments customer did not accept, receive or collect the courier or return the courier then shipping charges and return charges will be deducted from the prepaid amount and rest will be refunded back after evaluating the issue.

All orders are subject to acceptance and availability. We reserve the right to refuse or cancel any order for any reason.

If order is cancelled by our end for any reason, we will refund the full amount back to your account or card whichever is applicable with in 2-3 working days.

Payments can be made through various modes including credit card, debit card, net banking, UPI, or other available payment methods.

Yes, There is an invoice will be download available in orders page

Payment Information

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A placerat ac vestibulum integer vehicula suspendisse nostra aptent fermentum tempor a magna erat ligula parturient curae sem conubia vestibulum ac inceptos sodales condimentum cursus nunc mi consectetur condimentum.

Tristique parturient nulla ullamcorper at ullamcorper non orci iaculis neque augue.

A placerat ac vestibulum integer vehicula suspendisse nostra aptent fermentum tempor a magna erat ligula parturient curae sem conubia vestibulum ac inceptos sodales condimentum cursus nunc mi consectetur condimentum.

Tristique parturient nulla ullamcorper at ullamcorper non orci iaculis neque augue.

A placerat ac vestibulum integer vehicula suspendisse nostra aptent fermentum tempor a magna erat ligula parturient curae sem conubia vestibulum ac inceptos sodales condimentum cursus nunc mi consectetur condimentum.

Tristique parturient nulla ullamcorper at ullamcorper non orci iaculis neque augue.